Saturday, 3 May 2014

Know Your Sunscreen.

Sunscreens have become most for us whether it may be summer or winter. Some people do apply religiously while some still think that it’s not required for them. Sad but true.

Many of us are not aware of the things while purchasing a sunscreen lotion/cream/spray. There are certain things you should know while buying one sunscreen cream/lotion for you.

Starting with the one we always search for while buying sun screens…

1. SPF or Sun Protection Factor:
We all have assumptions that higher the SPF, higher is the protection. Unfortunately, that is not correct L . SPF is mainly responsible for protection against UVB rays. UVB rays are shorter rays and can burn our skin. Sunblock or sunscreen that has SPF 15 blocks 94% of UVB rays, SPF 30 blocks 97% and SPF 50 blocks 98% of UVB rays. According to WebMD, higher SPFs cannot block UVB rays 100%.

2. Broad Spectrum:

UVA rays penetrate deep into the skin causing wrinkles, age spot, sagging etc. A broad-spectrum, or full-spectrum, sunscreen is designed to protect you from both UVB and UVA rays. However, there is no such rating for UVA rays. So when it comes to UVA protection, you need to pay attention to the ingredients.

Look for a sunscreen that contains at least one of the following: ecamsule, avobenzone, oxybenzone, titanium dioxide, sulisobenzone, or zinc oxide.  Any of those should do the trick.

3.Water Resistance:
No sunblock or cream is water resistant. Products claiming water resistant can withstand protection from harmful sunrays  for 40 – 80 minutes of water activity or sweating. After which, reapplication is must. FDA in fact, no longer allow “water proof ” and “sweat-proof ” on sunscreen labels.

4.For Sensitive Skin:
People who have sensitive skin or skin conditions like rosacea may also benefit from using sunscreens designed for children. Go for titanium dioxide or zinc oxide instead of chemicals like para-aminobenzoic acid (PABA), dioxybenzone, oxybenzone, or sulisobenzone. If you have skin irritation or allergies, avoid sunscreens with alcohol, fragrances, or preservatives.

Some sunscreens also contain the antioxidant retinyl palmitate, a form of vitamin A or retinol. Antioxidants are substances that neutralize free radicals — unstable oxygen molecules that break down skin cells and cause wrinkles. While concerns have been raised about sunscreens containing retinyl palmitate, research currently suggests it's safe. However, recommendations regarding safety for use during pregnancy aren't available. If you're concerned, consider avoiding sunscreens containing this ingredient during pregnancy.

FAQs about Sunscreen or Sun Block:

  1. Are you sporty? Then the gels are best, as they adhere well while you move and sweat.
  2. Do you break out? Then the oil-free kind is best. Do you have dry skin? Use a creamy sunscreen. 
  3. Do you have sensitive skin or rosacea? Then stay away from chemical blockers, opting for mineral (or physical) blockers instead. They use either zinc oxide or titanium dioxide, which sit on the skin's surface. Chemical blockers are absorbed into the skin and can be irritating.
  4. Are you shopping for your kids? Then the stick kind is best as its formulation is waxy, which keeps it from dripping into their eyes. If you have a baby or toddler, choose a mineral/physical sunblock (think zinc oxide or titanium dioxide) that may be less irritating to the skin. But if you have a baby who is less than 6 months old, you should keep her out of the sun. "Babies have much more sensitive skin than adults, and sunscreen should be avoided," states the American Academy of Dermatology's web site.
  5. Are you bald? It doesn't matter what kind of sunscreen you use, just make sure to slather the sunscreen all over your head. Or better yet, wear a hat. Even better? Do both, said Whitney Bowe, MD, assistant medical director for cosmetic and laser services at Advanced Dermatology PC in Westchester, N.Y. 
  6. Are you hairy? Then the sprays and gels are best as they don't take forever to rub in, clinging to hairs like creams do.

Now, when you got to purchase sun screen/sun block keep these factors in mind.


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